Appetite For Life programs may be presented in person and/or virtually. To stay informed about upcoming events and other news from the Nutrition Research Institute, visit our website, subscribe to our emails, and follow us on social media:,, Appetite For Life gathered via Zoom on Wednesday, October 6 at 1:00 PM to hear NRI postdoctoral researcher Emmanuel Baah, MD, PhD, speak on the association between obesity and arthritis. View Program Video View PowerPoint
Appetite For Life with a Twist gathered at Atrium Health Ballpark on Wednesday, November 10 from 5:00-7:00 PM for a very special night at the ballpark with the NRI’s new director, Stephen Hursting, PhD, MPH. We got to know Steve and learned about the major league goals of the NRI, our mission, our vision for the future, and the impact that our groundbreaking research has on North Carolina and beyond. The event featured a catered reception overlooking the beautiful North Carolina Research Campus, home of the NRI. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, in-person attendance was limited to the first 50 registrants. The event was live-streamed via Zoom for those who were unable to attend in person. View Program Video Listen to audio
We kicked off 2022 and started our spring Appetite for Life series with a virtual New Year’s Wellness Workshop! On Tuesday, January 18 at 12:30 PM, we brought together experts from the NRI and our local community to provide you with advice, demonstrations, and information to help you succeed at keeping some common health resolutions, including: • Eating well with Registered Dietitian Kendra Nelson, MPH • Taking care of your mind and body through yoga with Grace Milsap • Trying new things by learning more about research opportunities at the NRI If you missed the program, here are links to a Program Video (passcode: c&sacFi3) and a handout of nutrition notes.
On Friday, March 4 @ Noon ET, Dr. Rachel Goode, Visiting Fellow at the NRI, presented, “Fresh Strategies to Improve Weight Management: Learning to Listen to Your Appetite.” We learned about being better in tune with our internal signals of hunger and fullness. More often than not, we are not in sync with our body’s cues for appetite regulation. Instead, we seek out food in response to an emotional trigger, such as stress or boredom, or because something in our environment prompts us to eat. Poor appetite regulation can influence weight management. In her talk, Rachel Goode, PhD, MPH, LCSW, taught us to how to listen to our internal cues of hunger and fullness, and provide strategies to improve our ability to manage your weight. If you missed Dr. Goode’s presentation, here is the link to the Program Video.
The NRI collaborated with the Culinary Arts program at Livingstone College in neighboring Salisbury, NC, on Tuesday, April 26, to present a spring cooking demo + nutrition talk. Part of the NRI’s Appetite for Life public series, the program featured soon-to-be graduates Tinsley Battle, Alex Boyd, and Yasmin Savage led by Chef Elizabeth Marquez demonstrating and explaining methods and techniques for preparing Strawberry Spinach Salad, Quinoa Salad, and Dehydrated Strawberries in Dark Chocolate. Victoria Fabry, MS, from the NRI offered notes about key nutrients found in these dishes and let the audience know about related research at the NRI. View the recipes and nutrition notes here.