February 28, 2014 | giving
Our healthcare system is in crisis. With the rising incidence of obesity, diet-related cancers and heart disease, the public health challenges that result are among the biggest problems our society faces. Is there a way to prevent and treat these diseases, creating a...
February 27, 2014 | giving
The NRI is creating a healthier tomorrow for people around the world. At the NRI, our scientists are studying why people differ in metabolism and nutrient requirements and are discovering nutrition-based solutions to prevent or treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes...
February 26, 2014 | giving
An investment in innovation at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute helps ensure a healthier future for people of all ages and positively impacts our national economy as scientists discover nutritional solutions to prevent and treat chronic diseases. Contributions...
February 25, 2014 | giving
Gifts of Cash: An outright gift of cash is usually the simplest method of giving. It is not subject to gift or estate taxes, and you can deduct the gift to the full extent of IRS rulings. Gifts of Securities: You may deduct the full fair market value of long-term...