Ask a Scientist

Fill out the form below to ask a question in our Ask a Scientist series. Any answers from our scientists are not diagnoses of any kind. The NRI specializes in nutrition research and all answers are from our research and for informational purposes only. If you are...
Good Nutrition Goes Hand-in-Hand with Portion Control 

Good Nutrition Goes Hand-in-Hand with Portion Control 

Have you been making changes to your nutrition intake in hopes of seeing a change on the scale, but you are not seeing what you expected? It could be that you’re under- or over-estimating how much you are eating.   While most people don’t weigh and measure their food,...
Wellness Workshop Wrap-Up

Wellness Workshop Wrap-Up

January marks a fresh start in many ways, including how to manage our own health. To help those who want a little guidance, the NRI recently presented a Wellness Workshop by partnering with High Performance Training, a privately owned gym in Kannapolis. Nutrition...
Free Event: Speed Dating with the NRI

Free Event: Speed Dating with the NRI

Speed Dating with the NRI: 3-minute Nutrition Theories Rowan Cabarrus Community College | Kannapolis, NC February 8, 2024 at 6 PM This year we’re doing this popular event again! Principal investigators, postdocs, doctoral students, and research specialists will take...