Gifts of Cash: An outright gift of cash is usually the simplest method of giving. It is not subject to gift or estate taxes, and you can deduct the gift to the full extent of IRS rulings.
Gifts of Securities: You may deduct the full fair market value of long-term appreciated securities and avoid any tax on capital gain.
Gifts by Bequest: One of the easiest and most common ways for you to make a gift to the NRI is through a bequest in your will. Bequests work particularly well if you are unable to make an immediate outright gift or if you have concerns about your long-term planning, bt believe in our programs and want to support the future of the Institute.
Life Income Gifts: By transferring property to the management of a trustee and establishing a life income arrangement from the principal of this property, you can make a substantial gift to the Institute. Life income gifts can take server forms: unit rust, annuity trust, pooled income funds and gift annuities.
Frequently, donors place an underachieving but appreciated asset into the trust, have the trust sell the asset with no capital gains tax, and reinvest the proceeds to produce income for life for the donor and still provide the Institute upon their death.
Other Vehicles Include: Gifts of real estate, cop orate matching gifts, and gifts of property with retained right of usage. Any of these will benefit the Institute.
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