Virtual Internship Program

In June, we completed our fifth annual Virtual Internship Program (VIP), showcasing the outstanding work of 25 high school students from across the country. This program for rising ninth graders to rising college freshman provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn from NRI leading experts and gives students valuable insight into the field of nutrition and research.

Over the four-week program, students participate in lectures, group mentoring sessions, and complete a research paper and presentation. The six sessions are led by NRI faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and staff members.

Session leaders shared their knowledge on various topics including, precision nutrition, research methods, human subjects in research, and careers in science.

Each student selected a nutrient to investigate and conducted guided research on its importance to human health, how the body processes it, and its dietary sources. The students learned research and writing skills and worked with NRI mentors to produce a research paper on their selected nutrient. In the program’s final week, students presented their findings to peers and NRI scientists, showcasing the culmination of their hard work throughout the program.

We are immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing how they will contribute to the field of nutrition in the future. We invite you to read their research papers, available here.

Looking Ahead to 2025
The Virtual Internship Program is a highlight of the NRI’s outreach efforts and consistently attracts abundantly more applicants than available slots each year. Applications for VIP 2025 will open in February. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, be sure to sign up for our e-news, follow our social media accounts, or check our website for more information.



VIP Schedule 2024

Week One

Tuesday, June 4
1 PM - 2:30 PM
Welcome and Orientation
Nutrition 101
Deborah Tate, PhD
Professor of Nutrition

Jenna Baker
VIP Coordinator

Sandra Mooney, PhD
Associate Professor of Nutrition

Ryan Dayvault
Associate Director of Operations
Thursday, June 6
1 PM - 2 PM
The Importance of Good Nutrition, Health Behaviors, and the Risk FactorsDeborah Tate, PhD
Professor of Nutrition

Week Two

Tuesday, June 11
1 PM - 2 PM
The Importance of Folate in Promoting Health and Preventing DiseasesNatalia Krupenko, PhD
Associate Professor of Nutrition
Thursday, June 13
1 PM - 2 PM
Mentoring Session

MLA + Presentation Guide
Evan Paules, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Jenna Baker
VIP Coordinator

Sandra Mooney, PhD
Associate Professor of Nutrition

Week Three

Tuesday, June 18
1 PM - 2 PM
Research MethodsHannah Petry
Graduate Research Assistant, Mooney Lab
Thursday, June 20
1 PM - 2 PM
Mentoring SessionDavid Horita, PhD
Scientific Grant Writer

Tyisha Harper
Project Coordinator, Goode Lab

Week Four

Tuesday, June 25
12 PM - 2 PM
Student PresentationsStudents
Thursday, June 27
12 PM - 2 PM
Student PresentationsStudents