The NRI is excited to offer its Virtual Internship Program (VIP) for high school students for 2025! This 4-week, online-only program will allow students the opportunity to learn from NRI principal investigators and other research staff, participate in group mentoring sessions, and complete an independent nutrition research project and presentation.
All sessions will be via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Most sessions are one hour long; the introductory and concluding sessions are longer.
Session leaders shared their knowledge on various topics including, precision nutrition, research methods, human subjects in research, and careers in science.
Each student selected a nutrient to investigate and conducted guided research on its importance to human health, how the body processes it, and its dietary sources. The students learned research and writing skills and worked with NRI mentors to produce a presentation on their selected nutrient. In the program’s final week, students presented their findings to peers and NRI scientists, showcasing the culmination of their hard work throughout the program.
We are immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing how they will contribute to the field of nutrition in the future.
Applications open February 10, 2025 and close March 14, 2025. Visit to register.