1. What motivated you to pursue your current career path?
After working with an array of public health initiatives for the last few years, I chose to pursue my graduate studies in the field of epidemiology at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Close ties between the UNC NRI and the Gillings School, along with my previous work administering a dietary-focused digital health intervention, provided me with the opportunity get involved at the NRI’s Living F.R.E.E. Lab.

2. What led you to join the Living F.R.E.E. Lab, and how do you hope it will enhance your research skills?
I was drawn to the Living F.R.E.E. Lab’s thoughtfully curated group of researchers because of their passion and focus on developing, implementing, and evaluating equitable health interventions for people of color. I seek to translate skills from my prior research to help develop culturally relevant and competent interventions for populations of interest. The lab and I have a joint commitment to helping me become a better public health practitioner as I strive to achieve these goals.

3. Can you tell us about a mentor or role model who has influenced your career?
I am unsure that I can credit just one person as having an influence on my career, but I would like to give a shout out to my previous Nourish study team under principal investigator, Gary Bennett, PhD, at Duke University, and the Health Practice Area at RTI International for being instrumental in my development into the student and researcher I am today. My work with diverse researchers and various topic areas allowed me to explore my curiosity in ways I could not have previously imagined.

4. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?
I encourage anyone seeking to advance public health to get involved and stay curious. Even if the opportunity that comes your way isn’t your first choice, you’ll still leave the experience with more knowledge than when you started.

5. What are your interests and hobbies?
Outside of school and the lab, I enjoy reading novels and exploring trails and parks around the Triangle with my dog, Cleopatra.

For more details on the Living F.R.E.E. Lab, visit: livingfreelab.org