If food is medicine, why isn’t it taught at medical schools?

If food is medicine, why isn’t it taught at medical schools?

November 14, 2019 – Students in medical schools across the country spend less than 1 percent of lecture time learning about diet. Earlier this year, Mount Sinai, the biggest hospital network in New York City, invested in a meal delivery service. Though it seemed like an unusual move at the time, the network’s decision makes sense if you consider the intrinsic relationship between food and health—a connection underscored by countless other recent examples of healthcare initiatives that harness diet as a tool to improve well-being.

Kohlmeier Co-edits Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics Textbook

Kohlmeier Co-edits Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics Textbook

August 20, 2019 – Principles of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics: Fundamentals for Individualized Nutrition is the most comprehensive foundational text on the complex topics of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Edited by three leaders in the field with contributions from the most well-cited researchers conducting groundbreaking research in the field, the book covers how the genetic makeup influences the response to foods and nutrients and how nutrients affect gene expression.

What should I eat on my night shift?

What should I eat on my night shift?

June 11, 2019 -Martin Kohlmeier, MD, PhD, director of the Human Research Core at the University of North Carolina’s Nutrition Research Institute, says, “The effect of a disrupted sleep cycle on energy metabolism is real but of modest size. In the end, it’s about the practicalities of food access, convenience, and the time demands of the shift. Planning ahead is your friend.