Study focuses on child obesity

Study focuses on child obesity

February 28, 2018 – Childhood obesity may no longer be a new concept, but the prevalence is higher than ever, and statistics show that Cabarrus County sits above the national and state averages for kids who are dangerously overweight.
An ongoing study at the N.C. Research Campus in Kannapolis hopes to take a dive into children’s health and nutrition and what might lead some to gain excess weight and others not to. The children’s health study is currently looking for children and their families to participate.

University of North Carolina Introduces New Research Core Merging Nutrition And Genetics

June 1, 2017 • The University of North Carolina Nutrition and Obesity Research Center (NORC) introduces the new Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (NGx) Core. Located in the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) on the NC Research Campus in Kannapolis, NGx has been created to assist investigators in conducting studies that lead to a better understanding of the impacts lifestyle and genetics have […]

Genetic Risk Factors for Some Diseases Tied to Uric Acid

April 1, 2017 • We once thought of circulating uric acid levels as mainly a biomarker of kidney disease (or a very rich diet), but research over the past decade suggests that higher than normal levels of uric acid can, in fact, be a cause of some cardiovascular or chronic kidney diseases. Uric acid levels are strongly influenced by a person’s genetics and diet, so understanding genetic risk factors will help to […]