NRI Scientist Achieves New Role

March 2, 2015 • Natalia Surzenko, Ph.D., studies the connections between nutrients and brain and eye development. Her work in this area has been as Research Scientist in the Zeisel lab since joining the NRI in 2013. In recognition of the excellence she brings to her research, Dr. Surzenko has been promoted to Research Assistant Professor.

Choline: An Essential Nutrient

Choline: An Essential Nutrient

Makes Babies Smarter, Keeps Memory Keen and Prevents Disease, Yet Most Americans Are Missing Out
Choline was discovered in 1862, but scientists did not fully understand its importance—or what foods contained it—for another 136 years. They thought we could make our own choline, much like we make Vitamin D from sunlight and cholesterol, but only women who still produce estrogen can make enough choline—and only if they have the right genes. Forty-five percent of child-bearing women have a genetic variation called a SNP (pronounced “snip”) that prevents them from turning estrogen into choline.

Bonsai Expo, December 6 and 7

Bonsai aficionados will converge in Kannapolis at the North Carolina Research Campus this weekend, December 6 and 7 for the second annual Winter Silhouette Bonsai Expo. The ancient art of bonsai–the word means to plant in a container–is sometimes best appreciated when...