December 30, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-cheatham, publications
N-3 fatty acids and cognitive and visual acuity development: methodologic and conceptual considerations.
Cheatham CL, Colombo J, Carlson SE.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jun;83(6 Suppl):1458S-1466S. Review.
PMID: 16841855
December 30, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-cheatham, publications
Social dominance in preschool classrooms.
Pellegrini AD, Roseth CJ, Mliner S, Bohn CM, Van Ryzin M, Vance N, Cheatham CL, Tarullo A.
J Comp Psychol. 2007 Feb;121(1):54-64.
PMID: 17324075
October 7, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-may, publications
May, PA, Hamrick, KJ, Corbin, KD, Hasken, JM, Marais, AS, Brooke, LE, Blankenship, J, Hoyme, HE, Gossage, JP. (2014) Dietary intake, nutrition and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
September 23, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-may, publications
Gossage, JP, Snell, CL, Parry, CDH, Marais, AS, Barnard, R, Vries, M, Blankenship, J, Seedat, S, Hasken, JM, May, PA. Alcohol Use, Working Conditions, Job Benefits, and the Legacy of the “Dop” System. In. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 7406-7424.
May 16, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-zeisel, publications
Corbin, KD, Zeisel, SH. (2012) Choline Metabolism Provides Novel Insights into Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and its Progression. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 28:159-165. PMID:22134222
May 13, 2014 | pub-brain, pub-zeisel, publications
Johnson, A.R., Lao, S., Wang, T., Galanko, J.A., Zeisel, S.H. (2012) Choline dehydrogenase polymorphism rs12676 is a functional variation and is associated with changes in human sperm cell function. PLoS ONE. 7(4): e36047. PMID: 22558321.