March 2015

    Free Public Presentation Registration Required–Sign Up Today The NRI’s popular public event series, Appetite for Life, continues on Tuesday, March 10 with a free presentation by Patrick Stover, Ph.D., on Keeping a Hungry World Healthy: Our Changing...

February 2015

Choline: An Essential Nutrient Makes Babies Smarter, Keeps Memory Keen and Prevents Disease, Yet Most Americas Are Missing Out Choline was discovered in 1862, but scientists did not fully understand its importance—or what foods contained it—for another 136 years. They...

January 2015

Clinical Studies at the Nutrition Research Institute The Nutrition Research Institute is committed to conducting innovative, basic and translational science to support the understanding of individualized nutrition. These advances in science promote the prevention and...

November 2014

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders More Prevalent Than Expected The following, reprinted from HealthDay in an article by Tara Haelle, reveals the findings of a study conducted by NRI Researcher Professor Philip May, Ph.D. Although drinking during pregnancy has long been...

October 2014

SoundBites is the NRI’s monthly e-newsletter. This month features Folami Ideraabdullah’s environmental lecture held at Catawba College and Dr. Zeisel’s input on a new research publication about gut microbes.