
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

Landmark Gift Creates $1M Professorship at NRI

A generous gift from the Dickson Foundation and Harris Teeter will be matched by funds from the North Carolina Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust to create the NRI’s first endowed, distinguished professorship, The Dickson Foundation-Harris Teeter Distinguished Professorship in Nutrition.

Charles L. Dayvault Memorial Fund Supports NRI

The Charles L. Dayvault Memorial Fund has been established at the NRI in Kannapolis to support the development of individualized nutrition – the study of why metabolism and nutrient requirements differ from person to person. The fund honors Mr. Dayvault’s commitment to the Kannapolis community.

Dr. Oz Says NRI Leads in Field of Individualized Nutrition

In the September 12, 2011, issue of Time Magazine, Dr. Mehmet Oz, noted surgeon, author and talk show host, recognizes the NRI as a leader in the field of individualized nutrition as scientists here study the link between our genes and diet.

NRI study identifies gene associated with male infertility

Now researchers at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute, have found a possible genetic cause for some incidences of male infertility.
Future studies will explore whether choline nutrient supplements can improve sperm function for some men.