
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

UNC-Chapel Hill explores “Food for All” with 2015-2017 campus theme

April 30, 2015 • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will come together at a common table when it examines food and food studies as its 2015-2017 university-wide academic theme. “Food for All: Local and Global Perspectives,” which builds on Carolina’s 2012-2015 “Water in Our World” focus on global water issues, will challenge all areas of the University to examine wide-ranging topics from food cultures and nutrition, to food security, world hunger, agricultural economics, resource management, sustainable development, climate change and international trade.

Eat More Produce, Reduce Cancer

April 29, 2015 • It’s spring! Farmers markets are opening and these are great places to find a variety of local, seasonal produce, which flourishes now. Making room for these powerhouses in your everyday food choices is important for your health. A 2012 peer-reviewed analysis in Food and Chemical Toxicology states that approximately 20,000 cancer cases could be prevented every year if one-half of Americans were to increase their serving of fruits and vegetables by one serving per day.

Training Your Doctor in Nutrition

April 6, 2015 • We rely on our physicians to heal us when we are ill, but more and more, we are needing a trained reliable source of sound nutritional advice when it comes to preventing illness or getting healthy after disease strikes. Until recently most medical doctors in this country were barely trained in the science of human nutrition.