
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

Genomic imprinting mechanisms in mammals

Genomic imprinting mechanisms in mammals.
Ideraabdullah FY, Vigneau S, Bartolomei MS.
Mutat Res. 2008 Dec 1;647(1-2):77-85. doi: 10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2008.08.008. Epub 2008 Aug 20. Review.
PMID: 18778719

Favorable Modulation of Benign Breast Tissue and Serum Risk Biomarkers Is Associated with >10% Weight Loss in Postmenopausal Women

Favorable modulation of benign breast tissue and serum risk biomarkers is associated with > 10 % weight loss in postmenopausal women.
Fabian CJ, Kimler BF, Donnelly JE, Sullivan DK, Klemp JR, Petroff BK, Phillips TA, Metheny T, Aversman S, Yeh HW, Zalles CM, Mills GB, Hursting SD.
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Nov;142(1):119-32. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2730-8. Epub 2013 Oct 19.
PMID: 24141897

Calorie restriction decreases murine and human pancreatic tumor cell growth, nuclear factor-κB activation, and inflammation-related gene expression in an insulin-like growth factor-1-dependent manner

Calorie restriction decreases murine and human pancreatic tumor cell growth, nuclear factor-κB activation, and inflammation-related gene expression in an insulin-like growth factor-1-dependent manner.
Harvey AE, Lashinger LM, Hays D, Harrison LM, Lewis K, Fischer SM, Hursting SD.
PLoS One. 2014 May 7;9(5):e94151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094151. eCollection 2014.
PMID: 24804677