May 11, 2015 | Kohlmeier News, News, Research News
May 11, 2015 • The 9th Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (ISNN) presents “Expanding the Evidence Base for Genome-directed Personal Nutrition.”
May 4, 2015 | Community News, News, Research News, Zeisel News
May 4, 2015 • Members of the UNC-Chapel Hill community will come together at a common table when they examine food studies as UNC’s 2015-2017 university-wide academic theme.
“Food for All: Local and Global Perspectives,” which builds on UNC’s 2012-2015 “Water in Our World” focus on global water issues, will challenge all areas of the university to examine wide-ranging topics from food cultures and nutrition, to food security, world hunger, agricultural economics, resource management, sustainable development, climate change and international trade.
April 30, 2015 | Community News, News, Research News, soundbite-enews, Soundbites
May 6, 2015 • May 2015’s SoundBites features: Renowned Nutrition Scientist Speaks on Longevity; Nutrient Bar Results in Broadscale Health Improvements After Only Two Months; Eat More Produce, Reduce Cancer; and the Lettuce Eat Café
April 29, 2015 | Community News, News, Research News
May 1, 2015 • A fruit-based micronutrient and fiber-dense supplement bar (the “CHORI-bar”), conceived by Drs. Bruce Ames and Mark K. Shigenaga at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), was shown in clinical trials to improve metabolism in overweight/obese (OW/OB) otherwise healthy adults in ways that are consistent with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Consumption of the bar for two months also reduced chronic inflammation, and initiated a reduction in weight and waist circumference. Decreased inflammation and improved weight and weight distribution can lower the risk of many chronic diseases.
April 29, 2015 | Community News, News, Research News
April 30, 2015 • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will come together at a common table when it examines food and food studies as its 2015-2017 university-wide academic theme. “Food for All: Local and Global Perspectives,” which builds on Carolina’s 2012-2015 “Water in Our World” focus on global water issues, will challenge all areas of the University to examine wide-ranging topics from food cultures and nutrition, to food security, world hunger, agricultural economics, resource management, sustainable development, climate change and international trade.