Genome-wide association analysis confirms and extends the association of SLC2A9 with serum uric acid levels to Mexican Americans

Genome-wide association analysis confirms and extends the association of SLC2A9 with serum uric acid levels to Mexican Americans.
Voruganti VS, Kent JW Jr, Debnath S, Cole SA, Haack K, Göring HH, Carless MA, Curran JE, Johnson MP, Almasy L, Dyer TD, Maccluer JW, Moses EK, Abboud HE, Mahaney MC, Blangero J, Comuzzie AG.
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Successful β cells islet regeneration in streptozotocin-induced diabetic baboons using ultrasound-targeted microbubble gene therapy with cyclinD2/CDK4/GLP1

Successful β cells islet regeneration in streptozotocin-induced diabetic baboons using ultrasound-targeted microbubble gene therapy with cyclinD2/CDK4/GLP1.
Chen S, Bastarrachea RA, Roberts BJ, Voruganti VS, Frost PA, Nava-Gonzalez EJ, Arriaga-Cazares HE, Chen J, Huang P, DeFronzo RA, Comuzzie AG, Grayburn PA.
Cell Cycle. 2014 Apr 1;13(7):1145-51. doi: 10.4161/cc.27997. Epub 2014 Feb 10.
PMID: 24553120

Multiancestral analysis of inflammation-related genetic variants and C-reactive protein in the population architecture using genomics and epidemiology study

Multiancestral analysis of inflammation-related genetic variants and C-reactive protein in the population architecture using genomics and epidemiology study.
Kocarnik JM, Pendergrass SA, Carty CL, Pankow JS, Schumacher FR, Cheng I, Durda P, Ambite JL, Deelman E, Cook NR, Liu S, Wactawski-Wende J, Hutter C, Brown-Gentry K, Wilson S, Best LG, Pankratz N, Hong CP, Cole SA, Voruganti VS, Bůžkova P, Jorgensen NW, Jenny NS, Wilkens LR, Haiman CA, Kolonel LN, Lacroix A, North K, Jackson R, Le Marchand L, Hindorff LA, Crawford DC, Gross M, Peters U.
Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 Apr;7(2):178-88. doi: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000173. Epub 2014 Mar 12.
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