Training Your Doctor in Nutrition

April 6, 2015 • We rely on our physicians to heal us when we are ill, but more and more, we are needing a trained reliable source of sound nutritional advice when it comes to preventing illness or getting healthy after disease strikes. Until recently most medical doctors in this country were barely trained in the science of human nutrition.

2015 ISNN Congress

March 30, 2015 • The International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (ISNN) will hold its 9th Congress May 17-19 on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill. This event convenes several hundred nutrition researchers, clinicians, dietitians and other healthcare providers who are leaders in the development and practice of advanced nutrition solutions. Keynote speakers are 2007 Nobel laureate Dr. Oliver Smithies (UNC Chapel Hill) and Dr. Bruce Ames (Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute and UC Berkeley), who will deliver an Appetite for Life lecture in Kannapolis May 20, 2015.

Martin Kohlmeier, MD, PhD

Joining the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) in 2010, Dr. Martin Kohlmeier serves as faculty and primary investigator in the NRI Nutrigenetics Laboratory. He focuses on laboratory diagnostics and nutritional genetics. With more than thirty years of experience in...