Student Housing

NRI Student Housing The NRI offers five historic Cannon Mill homes within walking distance to the NCRC as an option for housing. These newly renovated homes are eligible for students, visiting faculty, and short-term staff/faculty. NRI and NCRC students have priority...
Symposium Abstract Submission Confirmation

Symposium Abstract Submission Confirmation

You have submitted your poster abstract, but you are not yet registered for the symposium. Follow the link below to register for the symposium. We will review your poster abstract and get in touch with you. Register here. If you have any questions regarding your...
Whole Foods and Nutrient Synergy

Whole Foods and Nutrient Synergy

January 29, 2018 – Have you ever wondered why we eat certain foods together? What is it about pork that demands applesauce? Wouldn’t a lovely piece of hard cheese go well with that glass of red wine? Is beef and broccoli just a dish or might there be a benefit to eating those together? It is difficult to trace how these traditional pairings got started. Apples with pork dates back to the time of Christ when an Ancient Roman named Apicius wrote down a recipe, but where did he get the idea? We find a clue in the story of why we eat mint with lamb. In an attempt to decrease the consumption of lamb and thereby increase wool exports, Queen Elizabeth I declared it unlawful to eat lamb without mint sauce, presumably because people disliked the taste of mint sauce (basically mint and vinegar). As it turned out, mint sauce was a great compliment to lamb. So, yes. Your first instinct was correct – we eat certain foods together because they taste good together!

Corporate Event: December 1, 2016

You’re invited to eat with the Nutrition Research Institute. Join business colleagues and learn why we explore personalized nutrition and how it impacts brain development and memory, and obesity-related diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes....

Employee Ice Cream Social

Join the morale committee on Thursday, July 14 for an Ice Cream Social. A special Ice Cream Truck will be coming to the NRI with FREE ice cream for all NRI employees! Registration required. Thursday, July 14, 2 – 3:30 PM