Susan J. Sumner, PhD

Professor of Nutrition and Pharmacology

Susan Sumner, PhD is a Professor of Nutrition at UNC Chapel Hill’s Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), and the Director of the Metabolomics and Exposome Laboratory (MEL) at UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Sumner is working to make personalized medicine and precision nutrition a reality.  Using state-of-the-art metabolomics and exposome technologies, Dr. Sumner’s team determines how molecules that are present in our tissues and biological fluids are associated with states of health and wellness. Through this approach, biomarkers are discovered that can lead to new diagnostics for the early detection and diagnosis of disease, to monitor treatment and intervention, and to inform the development of intervention strategies.

The Sumner-Lab uses analytical methods to detect tens of thousands of signals for molecules that are present in biological specimens (such as urine, serum, plasma, feces, sweat, tissues, and cells).Using untargeted metabolomics/exposome analysis, signals are detected for metabolites that are derived from endogenous metabolic process, such as neurotransmitters, hormones and steroids, sugars, amino acids, purines and pyrimidines, lipids, fatty acids, and vitamins and essential nutrients. Signals are also detected for metabolites derived from a wide range of exposures, including metabolites derived from ingestion of foods, intake of medications or drugs of abuse, and environmentally relevant chemicals.

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Natural occurring chemicals found in foods (e.g., folate, choline) and beverages (e.g., polyphenols, benzoate) have been associated with both positive and negative health responses. Perturbations in endogenous metabolism have been associated with many prescription and over the counter medications, as well as illicit drugs. Metabolites of many environmentally relevant chemicals are also detected (including  phthalates, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, parabens, brominated flame retardants, tobacco products, phenols, and volatile organic compounds) which have been linked with a variety of adverse health outcomes – including obesity, cognitive delay and decline, reproductive effects, and cancer.

Dr. Sumner’s research activities in Personalized Medicine and Precision Nutrition span several domain areas of Maternal and Child Health, Diabetes and Kidney Disease, Toxicology, Cancer, Microbiome, and Addiction. In 2019, she received a grant from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to discover biomarkers and mechanisms associated with Cardiovascular Disease. She has served as the PI of a grant funded through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) to use metabolomics to reveal noninvasive markers of drug-induced liver injury, and as PI of the NIH Common Fund Eastern Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core (ERCMRC). She previously directed the Metabolomics Core for the UNC Chapel Hill Nutrition Obesity Resource Center (NORC, funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIDDK), and an Exposome Core for the Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR) program (funded by the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS).

In August of 2019, Dr. Sumner received a grant to develop new tools and conduct untargeted analysis for the NIEHS-funded Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Program. Under this grant, untargeted analysis is used to study the complex interactions between environmental exposures throughout the lifespan and human health outcomes in the HHEAR and the Environmental Influences on Childhood Outcomes programs. In 2022, her team received an award from NCI as the NIH Common Fund Metabolomics and Clinical Assay Center as part of the NIH Nutrition for Precision Health Consortium powered by All of Us. In this role, her Center will help develop algorithms that predict individual’s responses to dietary intake. 

Dr. Sumner earned a B.S. and Ph.D. in the Department of Chemistry at North Carolina State University, and conducted postdoctoral research at NHLBI.

Sumner’s Team

Emily Brasseur : Research Technician, Sumner Lab

Emily Brasseur

Research Technician, Sumner Lab

Emily graduated from Catawba College with a Bachelors in Biochemistry and a minor in History in 2023. She is excited to be with the Sumner Lab and looks forward to learning everything that she can. She is a Michigan native that misses the snow but does not miss the cold. In her down time, Emily loves to read, play games, and crochet many different things.
Yuheng Che, MS : Graduate Student, Sumner Lab

Yuheng Che, MS

Graduate Student, Sumner Lab

Yuheng joined UNC Chapel Hill NRI in January 2025 as a doctoral student in Nutrition. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nutrition from the University of California, Davis, and his Master of Science in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition from Tufts University. At the Nutrition Research Institute, Yuheng works closely with Dr. Susan Sumner and Dr. Blake Rushing, focusing on precision nutrition and metabolomics.
Mansi Choudhari : Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Mansi Choudhari

Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Mansi Choudhari is a Summer intern at the Sumner Lab. She is a BSPH Nutrition student at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. She is also pursuing a minor in Medicine, Literature, and Culture. She is interested in preventative medicine and looks forward to learning from the NRI team. In her free time, she enjoys trying new recipes and spending time with friends.
Bryan Chuprinko, MBA : Visiting Scholar, Sumner Lab

Bryan Chuprinko, MBA

Visiting Scholar, Sumner Lab

Bryan Chuprinko is a Program Manager at Coddle Creek Capital, overseeing life science programs. He has collaborated with UNC-NRI on behalf of Coddle Creek Capital to bring value to the North Carolina Research Campus (NCRC).
Rachel Coble, MS : Assistant Laboratory Manager, Sumner Lab

Rachel Coble, MS

Assistant Laboratory Manager, Sumner Lab

Rachel Joined the UNC Chapel Hill NRI in August 2020 as a Research Technician in the Sumner Lab. As a local of Rowan County, specifically China Grove, she graduated from Catawba College in 2020 with a B.S. in Biochemistry. She has always wanted to have some kind of involvement at the NCRC ever since she saw the campus being built as a little girl. Since joining Sumner’s lab, Coble returned to school to further her education. Pursuing her Master's degree in Informatics and Analytics with a Bioinformatics concentration has been a transformative journey, significantly enhancing her expertise in handling and interpreting complex data sets. By learning analytical techniques and informatics tools, she is equipped to process vast amounts of metabolomic data with greater accuracy and efficiency. The skills and knowledge gained through her Master's program enable her to contribute more to her metabolomics research, drive impactful data-driven insights, and support the NRI's goals in advancing metabolomics.
Isabella Falcone : Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Isabella Falcone

Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Isabella joined the Sumner Lab as a student intern in 2023. She is an undergraduate student pursuing a BSPH in the Nutrition program through the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, as well as a minor in Chemistry. As Isabella aims to attend medical school following her undergraduate career, she is eager to learn from Dr. Sumner and her team. In Isabella’s free time she enjoys running, baking, and crafting
Grace Fu, BSPH : Graduate Assistant, Sumner Lab

Grace Fu, BSPH

Graduate Assistant, Sumner Lab

Grace joined NRI and began her MS program in June 2024. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in May 2024 with a BSPH in Nutrition and minors in Chemistry and Studio Art. Her research involves integrating multi-omics data to compare individuals with healthy lifestyles versus unhealthy lifestyles and looking for associations with cancer. She wishes to use the knowledge she gains this year in her future medical career. Outside of academics, Grace enjoys reading, discussing her faith, and playing volleyball, basketball, and guitar.
Susan McRitchie, MA, MS : Program Manager, Sumner Lab

Susan McRitchie, MA, MS

Program Manager, Sumner Lab

Susan McRitchie, MA/MS has over 10 years of experience conducting biostatistics in the field of metabolomics, and has over 15 years of experience using biostatistics in clinical and epidemiology investigations. She is the lead biostatistician and program manager for the NIH Common Fund Metabolomics and Clinical Assay Center (PI, Susan Sumner) for the Nutrition for Precision Health study, for the NIEHS Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource program (MPI, Sumner/Du/Fennell), and for the Metabolomics and Exposome Laboratory at the UNC Chapel Hill Nutrition Research Institute (Director, Sumner). In these roles, she participates in working groups of the NIH consortium involving data management, data quality, and omics analysis, and leads data analysis. She has trained over 20 students, postdoctoral fellows, early career and senior faculty to conduct statistical and multivariate analysis in metabolomics investigations. Susan McRitchie earned a MA in mathematics from UCLA and a MS in Biostatistics from UNC Chapel Hill.
Sabrina Molina : Assistant Laboratory Manager, Sumner Lab

Sabrina Molina

Assistant Laboratory Manager, Sumner Lab

Sabrina graduated from UNC Charlotte with a degree in biology, working in a bioinformatics lab during her time there. She began as a student intern in the Sumner lab and is now working as the Assistant Laboratory Manager. She is very excited to continue working with all the amazing people at the NRI. In her spare time, Sabrina enjoys cooking, kayaking, fishing, and dirt biking.
Wimal Pathmasiri, PhD : Assistant Professor of Nutrition

Wimal Pathmasiri, PhD

Assistant Professor of Nutrition

Wimal Pathmasiri, PhD  is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Nutrition Research Institute (NRI).  An overarching goal of Dr. Pathmasiri’ s research includes understanding the links between exposures (diet, constituents in natural projects, environmental chemicals, drugs), microbial metabolism, and human health. He was worked with the Sumner-Lab for over 12 years, as the director of a technology core for the NIH Common Fund Eastern Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core (ERCMRC), and as a co-investigator in the North Carolina Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource Untargeted Analysis Laboratory (NC HHEAR UAL). Learn more.
Blake Rushing, PhD : Assistant Professor of Nutrition

Blake Rushing, PhD

Assistant Professor of Nutrition

Blake Rushing, PhD, is an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Nutrition Research Institute (NRI). Dr. Rushing’s is trained in pharmacology and toxicology, and has experience using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, in vitro model systems, and various biochemical assays to study the interactions between small molecule toxins/drugs with macromolecular targets such as proteins and DNA. He is well versed in using analytical instrumentation to study metabolic products of exogenous small molecule agents and their biological effects. Learn more.
Braden Yorke : Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Braden Yorke

Student Research Assistant, Sumner Lab

Braden Yorke is an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pursuing a degree in Nutrition Science and Research. Braden is an intern in Dr. Sumner’s lab at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute where he hopes to explore the field and learn as much as possible.

BSPH Students

Heidi Cao

Heidi Cao

BSPH Candidate

Mansi Choudhari

Mansi Choudhari

BSPH Candidate

The North Carolina Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource Hub (NC HHEAR Hub)

Metabolomics and Exposome Laboratory (MEL) for the following NIH Centers

Nutritional Pharmacology/Toxicology

Choline and Related Metabolites in Nutrition Research

Metabolomics: Using In Vitro Models to Reveal Mechanisms of Cellular Response

700 MHz NMR Spectroscopy Services on the North Carolina Research Campus

Quantitative Targeted Analysis of Host Metabolism - Biocrates

Recent Grants

R01CA282657 (Rushing, PI, UNC-CH): 2024 – 2029
The Human Cancer Metabolome Atlas

 1U24CA268153-02S (Sumner, PI, UNC-CH):2023 – 2025
NCI/NIH Common Fund
Nutrition for Precision Health: Targeted Metabolomics, Phytochemicals, and Clinical Assays 

1U24CA268153 (Sumner, PI, UNC-CH): 2022 – 2027
NCI/NIH Common Fund
Metabolomics and Clinical Assays Center (MCAC) for the Nutrition for the Precision Health Study

1R01DK126666-01 (Sumner, MPI, UNC-CH):2021 – 2026
Mechanistic and metabolic underpinnings of ALDH1L1 polymorphisms in the regulation of glycine metabolism

1U2CES030857 (Sumner, MPI, UNC-CH):2019 – 2026
Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Hub and Environmental Influences on Childhood Outcomes (ECHO)

U01OH011300-05 (Nolan, PI, NYUSOM): 2017 – 06/30/2026
Title:  Metabolomics of World Trade Center-Lung Injury

R01HL143885 (Sumner, MPI, UNC-CH): 2019–2023
Leveraging multi-omics approaches to examine metabolic challenges of obesity in relation to cardiovascular diseases.

1U01CA235507 (Du, PI, UNC-Charlotte): 2018–2022
Cross-Platform and Graphical Software Tool for Adaptive LC/MS and GC/MS Metabolomics Data Preprocessing

1R37CA226969-01 (Bae-Jump, PI, UNC-CH): 2018–2023
Obesity-driven Metabolic and Molecular Biomarkers of Metformin Response in Endometrial Cancer

1R21CA235029-01 (Smith-Ryan & Bae-Jump, MPI, UNC Chapel Hill): 2019–2020
Interval Exercise Training as a Therapy for Endometrial Cancer

1U01OH011300-01A1 (Nolan, PI, NYUSOM): 2017– 2023
Metabolomics of World Trade Center-Lung Injury

1R01DK115380-01 (Zeisel, PI, UNC Chapel Hill): 2017- 2021
Developing a Biomarker Panel to Assess Choline Nutritional Status

U01ES027254 (Sumner, MPI, UNC Chapel Hill): 2016–2021  
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Early-life END exposure and the impact on neurobehavioral, cardiovascular, and biochemical mechanisms.

5UG3OD023275 (Karagas, PI, Dartmouth College): 2016-2023
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Environmental Influences of Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Pediatrics Cohort
New Hampshire Birth Cohort

5UG3OD023305 (Trasande, PI, NYU School of Medicine): 2016-2023
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Environmental Influences of Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Pediatrics Cohort
NYU Pediatric Obesity, Metabolism and Kidney Cohort Center 

R01DK110077 (Smoyer, PI, Nationwide Children’s Hospital)   2017-2022
Integrating Proteomics and Metabolomics to Understand Pediatric Glomerular Disease

1R21HD087878-01A1 (Harville, PI, Tulane): 2017-2019
Preterm birth, pre-eclampsia, and the exposome

In the News

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Exposure to inorganic arsenic and its methylated metabolites alters metabolomics profiles in INS-1 832/13 insulinoma cells and isolated pancreatic islets.

Quantitative methods for metabolic analyses evaluated in the Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR).

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