
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

September 2015

September 5, 2015 • September 2015 SoundBites features: Duke, UNC Collaborate at North Carolina Research Campus, Cooking for Nourishment, Catawba Scholar Helps with NRI Research, and Ongoing Studies (Take Part in Research)

Catawba scholar helps with research at UNC’s Nutrition Institute

August 25, 2015 • Noyce Scholar Brinsley Stewart of Boonville plans to be a math teacher after she graduates from Catawba College in May 2016, but her internship experience this summer at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Nutrition Research Institute in Kannapolis gave her some keen insights into just how important math and applied statistics can be in the world of research.
Stewart, a rising senior, interned under the tutelage of Dr. Philip May, a 1969 Catawba alumnus. May is a research professor for UNC at the Nutrition Research Institute, where he continues his National Institute of Health-funded research on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

What rivalry? Duke, UNC collaborate at North Carolina Research Campus

August 24, 2015 • It took Dr. Summer Goodson nearly a year to find six men genetically qualified to participate in a sperm function study at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) in Kannapolis. Male fertility is still a sensitive subject, said Goodson, a post-doctoral research associate at the NRI, making it tough to rely on traditional recruitment methods like fliers and advertisements. But after the NRI partnered with Duke University’s MURDOCK Study in Kannapolis, which has nearly 12,000 participants, Goodson needed only one day to identify 13 men who have the genetic variant she studies.

Amtrak Shuttle

Please note that we are discontinuing our taxi reservation service immediately due to low use and poor service by the company we contracted with. We ask that you coordinate your own reservations moving forward, and provide a receipt for the taxi service when you turn...

July 2015

July 2015 SoundBites features: The “-omics” of Nutrient Metabolism, Research We’re Reading: Go with Your Gut, Summer Tours and Fall Events

August 2015

August 2015 SoundBites features: Healthy Eyes at Every Age, Last Chance to Tour the NRI, and Cooking for Nourishment: Demo + Talk

Healthy Eyes at Every Age

Healthy Eyes at Every Age

July 22, 2015 • Speakers at the recent Institute of Food Technologists meeting in Chicago in July discussed an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in human health. Unfortunately, few people have heard of it and fewer still are eating enough of it.
“Choline is an essential but widely under-consumed nutrient,” says Catherine Adams Hutt, registered dietician and science and nutrition advisor to The Choline Information Council®. “Only children typically get enough choline and most adults, including pregnant and lactating women, don’t get as much choline as they need. Just as choline is essential in the development of the brain, it is also critical for the development of the mechanics of our eyes,” she adds.