
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

The “-omics” of Nutrient Metabolism

July 1, 2015 • How our bodies use the nutrients that nourish us drives much of the science at the Nutrition Research Institute. Recent advances in nutrition studies have shed light on the metabolic fates of nutrients and about the molecular actors and mechanisms responsible for the underlying processes. A major reason for the explosive advances in the understanding of nutrient metabolism has been the massive investigative use of all kinds of “-omics,” new fields of study for the mining of data-rich biological information.

Go With Your Gut: How a community of trillions affects your individual health

July 1, 2015 • Everyday we learn more about how the gut microbiome may influence health. Our gut microbial community—a super-organism, with trillions of members—has been associated with obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and immune disorders, and even moods. These findings have generated enormous enthusiasm among researchers and the lay public, as they suggest a largely untapped area for health-promoting interventions. One mechanism through which the gut microbiome may affect health is through the metabolism of food and nutrients.

Taco Truck

Juan Taco, our favorite food truck, is coming back to the NRI! All NRI employees are invited to enjoy freshly made chicken, beef or veggie tacos to celebrate the arrival of Spring! Employee of the Quarter Award winner will be announced. One food ticket per person...

Meet Manya Warrier, Ph.D.

June 2, 2015 • Dr. Warrier joins the NRI this month as our newest faculty member. Her research focus is the “browning” of fat and its effects on metabolism and obesity.

Your Nutritional Needs Are as Unique as You Are

Your Nutritional Needs Are as Unique as You Are

June 1, 2015 • There is mounting evidence that small amounts of essential nutrients like choline and folate have a big impact on human health. However, nutritional studies that attempt to quantify the effects of essential nutrients often produce unclear or contradictory results.
There are several reasons for this, but chief among them is the assumption that all of us process food exactly the same way. This is simply not the case. No one is metabolically identical or even similar to anyone else – not even identical twins. We all require different amounts of specific nutrients and vitamins. Scientists at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute believe this common misconception is responsible for so many contradictory study results.

June 2015

June 16, 2015 • This month’s SoundBites features an article that describes how your genetic makeup effects your nutritional needs, everything you’ve ever needed to know about vitamin supplementation, and introduces our newest faculty member, Manya Warrier, Ph.D.