April 29, 2015 | Community News, News, reading, Research News
April 29, 2015 • It’s spring! Farmers markets are opening and these are great places to find a variety of local, seasonal produce, which flourishes now. Making room for these powerhouses in your everyday food choices is important for your health. A 2012 peer-reviewed analysis in Food and Chemical Toxicology states that approximately 20,000 cancer cases could be prevented every year if one-half of Americans were to increase their serving of fruits and vegetables by one serving per day.
April 24, 2015 | N Krupenko News, seminars
Dr. Natalia Krupenko addresses vitamin supplementation and its effects on the human body.
April 15, 2015 | seminars
Patrick Stover, Ph.D. from Cornell University
April 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
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April 6, 2015 | Community News, Kohlmeier News, News, Research News, Zeisel News
April 6, 2015 • We rely on our physicians to heal us when we are ill, but more and more, we are needing a trained reliable source of sound nutritional advice when it comes to preventing illness or getting healthy after disease strikes. Until recently most medical doctors in this country were barely trained in the science of human nutrition.