Matching Meals to Metabolism
This article was originally published on knowablemagazine.org on July 28, 2020. By Jyoti Madhusoodanan Q&A with nutrition researcher Steven Zeisel Genes, microbes and other factors govern how each person’s body processes nutrients. Understanding the connections...
Precision Nutrition Considered in NIH Strategic Plan
Recognition of the importance of Precision Nutrition can be seen in several recent funding initiatives announced by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is the major funding source for biomedical research in the US, and its funding priorities reflect what it...
Precision (Personalized) Nutrition: Understanding Metabolic Heterogeneity
February 24, 2020 -People differ in their requirements for and responses to nutrients and bioactive molecules in the diet. Many inputs contribute to metabolic heterogeneity (including variations in genetics, epigenetics, microbiome, lifestyle, diet intake, and environmental exposure).

Choline: The forgotten vital nutrient we’re not getting enough of
November 14, 2019 – Eating a plant-based diet? You may be low on choline. Standard nutritional advice to cut down on meat and dairy may be stopping us getting enough of an essential nutrient named choline. Should we be worried?