
Our research not only influences the scientific community, but the general public as well. We strive to share our discoveries with everyone. Read some of our latest articles on what is happening at the Nutrition Research Institute.

Appetite For Life Program Survey

Thank you for attending Appetite for Life with a Twist on March 31, 2021. Please help us evaluate Dr. Krupenko's presentation.

Nutrient Supplements as a Treatment for FASD

Nutrient Supplements as a Treatment for FASD

While the best defense against fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) remains avoiding alcohol consumption during pregnancy, research has shown that dietary choline supplementation can reduce at least some of the cognitive and behavioral problems associated with FASD...

Precision Nutrition and Brain Health Symposium

Precision Nutrition and Brain Health Symposium

Our brains are built and supported by our mothers’ diets and then, by our diets. An individual’s response to incoming nutrition is programmed and very individualized. Maternal nutrition is important for fetal development even before conception: We now know that...

Embracing Life’s Detours: Faculty Focus with Delisha Stewart, PhD

Embracing Life’s Detours: Faculty Focus with Delisha Stewart, PhD

On her journey to the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), Delisha Stewart, PhD, did not shy away from detours. In fact, she jokingly refers to herself as “the scientific nomad.” The key to life, she believes, is not being afraid to stray from the expected path...

Zeisel Offers a Glimpse into the Future of Precision Nutrition

Zeisel Offers a Glimpse into the Future of Precision Nutrition

UNC NRI Director Steven Zeisel, MD, PhD, recently gave the annual lecture for the University of Minnesota Henderson Biochemistry Nutritional Biochemistry Lectureship Series. The series is named for LaVell M. Henderson, who made important scientific and administrative...