Study of Space Travelers Helps Explain Disease in the Earthbound

Study of Space Travelers Helps Explain Disease in the Earthbound

April 26, 2016 • Some inherited genetic mutations have obvious harmful effects, such as those associated with cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. Now, scientists are learning more about stress-induced effects of gene mutations. We have known for some time that certain astronauts who had spent time at the International Space Station developed vision problems.

March 2016

March is National Nutrition Month National Nutrition Month is about focusing attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. At the Nutrition Research Institute, we study nutrigenetics to find out...

February 2016

Teen Cognition Improves with Choline The Zeisel laboratory at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) is well known for defining the importance of the nutrient choline in infant brain development. They discovered that choline in mother’s diet during pregnancy is...

Teen Cognition Improves with Choline

February 1, 2016 • The Zeisel laboratory at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) is well known for defining the importance of the nutrient choline in infant brain development. They discovered that choline in mother’s diet during pregnancy is extremely important for optimal brain development in her baby. But, is this the only time in life that choline can improve brain function? Could teenagers eat extra choline to help their school performance?