Women’s Health, Preconception Nutrition, and the Right to Choose

Women’s Health, Preconception Nutrition, and the Right to Choose

December 16, 2018 – If you’ve ever been around a pregnant woman, you’ve probably heard her mention something about food cravings. Or she’s mentioned that she won’t drink coffee or eat Oreos because they are “bad for the baby.” Food is a hot topic during pregnancy because of how it can drastically affect the developing baby. But how many times have you heard a woman mention that she is eating healthier because she is going to try to get pregnant?


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Celebrating a Decade of Nutrition Discoveries

Celebrating a Decade of Nutrition Discoveries

September 28, 2018 – This October, the NRI proudly marks its tenth anniversary of delving into the science of Precision Nutrition. What began in 2008 with two faculty members and a supporting staff of nine is, today, a bustling center of scientific inquiry and discovery with a staff of 82, which includes 16 principal investigators.

Leptin’s Role in Cancer Susceptibility

Leptin’s Role in Cancer Susceptibility

August 30, 2018 – While the link between obesity and breast cancer risk is well known, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Obesity alters many conditions in cells and within the body, and it is not easy to determine which of these conditions are important to the obesity-cancer link. Consequently, it is very difficult to identify potential therapeutic targets.

May 2019

Nutrition Decisions in a Conflicting World: Eggs-actly the Issue April 18, 2019 – How are we expected to make healthy choices about food when the headlines are so confusing? We all suffer whiplash when we read butter is bad, then butter is good; when red meat is bad,...

April 2019

NIH Grant To Study Gene Mutation Associated with Rare Disease March 22, 2019 – Sergey A. Krupenko, PhD, professor of nutrition at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), has been awarded a $2.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for his research...

March 2019

Personalized Nutrition: A Diet for Every Individual? February 25, 2019 – A new study published in the journal Genetics looks at how genetics interacts with diet to alter metabolic health (ex. body fat, cholesterol, insulin, and other markers of health and disease)....

February 2019

The Choices I.C.A.N. Make January 25, 2019 – Pregnant women are often consumed by dietary choices such as finding a great prenatal vitamin, eating foods that will promote fetal growth, and doing everything they can to protect their pregnancy. After delivery, however,...