AFL@JWU Nutrition Notes – October 17, 2018

AFL@JWU Nutrition Notes – October 17, 2018

October 17, 2018 – The science on food and nutrients and their relationship to health is complex. Individuals are unique and there are various factors that influence health outcomes. Researchers at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI) are working very hard to understand the intricacies of diet and nutrients, and their relationship to disease prevention and progression with the goal that general dietary guidance will be replaced with personalized nutrition recommendations.

Celebrating a Decade of Nutrition Discoveries

Celebrating a Decade of Nutrition Discoveries

September 28, 2018 – This October, the NRI proudly marks its tenth anniversary of delving into the science of Precision Nutrition. What began in 2008 with two faculty members and a supporting staff of nine is, today, a bustling center of scientific inquiry and discovery with a staff of 82, which includes 16 principal investigators.

AFL Recipes

AFL@JWU Recipes –October 15, 2019 Chef Megan Lambert, MS, RD, Senior Instructor in College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University, Charlotte, prepared Healthy Fall Soups & Stews recipes while Sarah Hreyo of the UNC Nutrition Research Institute, shared...

March 2019

Personalized Nutrition: A Diet for Every Individual? February 25, 2019 – A new study published in the journal Genetics looks at how genetics interacts with diet to alter metabolic health (ex. body fat, cholesterol, insulin, and other markers of health and disease)....

December 2018

Starving Cells May Lead to New Cancer Treatments November 20, 2018 –Nutrient availability regulates cell metabolism, growth, and survival. When nutrients are in short supply, cells can pause their growth or even eliminate themselves through a process known as...

November 2018

Choline in Human Milk Plays a Crucial Role in Infant Memory October 30, 2018 – Choline is present in human milk, and is especially important for fetal and infant development [2,3]. “The hint that choline is important for infant development comes from the fact that in...

September 2018

Memory Game Pilot Study August 30, 2018 – The Cheatham Nutrition & Cognition Lab at the NRI is undertaking a new pilot study with 12- and 24-month-old children called the Memory Game Pilot Study. In this study the lab seeks to validate the props used in the...