VIP 2022: Students Shine in NRI Summer Program
The NRI’s third annual Virtual Internship Program (VIP) concluded on July 7 with 18 high school students from around the country presenting their research on the nutrients of their choice. VIP is a virtual summer program that provides high school students interested...
NRI Trainees Climbing the Ladder of Success
A core objective of the NRI is to provide training opportunities to the next generation of researchers in precision nutrition, including graduate and undergraduate students. These young researchers, selected from the tops of their classes, are mentored by the NRI’s...
Student Success at the NRI: Alleigh Wiggs, Breast Cancer Researcher and Advocate
Congratulations to Alleigh Wiggs, a student researcher with the Sumner Lab, whose research on the effects of diet and exercise on endogenous estrogens and subsequent breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women was recently published in Frontiers in Endocrinology....
Embracing Life’s Detours: Faculty Focus with Delisha Stewart, PhD
On her journey to the UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), Delisha Stewart, PhD, did not shy away from detours. In fact, she jokingly refers to herself as “the scientific nomad.” The key to life, she believes, is not being afraid to stray from the expected path...
New Grant to Study Nutrition and Chemotherapeutic Response
May 30, 2018 – Delisha Stewart, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nutrition at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute, has been awarded a two year grant to study the impact of diet on chemotherapeutic treatment resistance in obesity-driven, aggressive breast cancer. This award builds from the research Dr. Stewart has conducted over the last ten years.